مائة - cent - hundred - honderd - cien - сотня

واخيرا مقالي رقم مائة

Enfin mon message numéro cent

At last, my message number hundred

Aan laatst, mijn bericht nummer honderd

Por fin, mi número del mensaje cien


Наконец, мое сообщение, номер сотня

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Anonyme a dit…

Blog Stats

There are currently 578 posts and 1,112 comments, contained within 87 categories.

You gotta work hard for the message above.
Tenés que trabajar para conseguir el mensaje de encima.
Должен работать трудно чтобы получать такое посление.
Congratulations for the 100 and keep blogging!
SaTaNiC_AnGeL a dit…
@Swobodin : Merci pour ton passage, et oui on doit utiliser les outils gratuits qu'on trouve sur le net il n'y pas que les opensources ;)

Comment t'as eu les stats "There are currently 578 posts and 1,112 comments, contained within 87 categories." c'est quoi le site ?
Anonyme a dit…
No tool were used, it was a human made translation :-) And I am for OpenSource over freewares.
How I could obtain the message, it's a feature in wordpress administration panel; how I did obtain the number, by posting :-)
Almaz a dit…
aya mabrouk 3lik el 100 postes et el 3e9ba lel 1000 :p
SaTaNiC_AnGeL a dit…
@almaz : 3aychik futur mrayti .. inchallah il 1000 postes ensemble dans notre nid d'amour :P
Almaz a dit…
eyh wa9t'ha na3mlou fusion de nos deux blogs :p